This is about Self Help literature. And all the podcasts and Youtube videos:

It seems to me that a lot of the advice is not generally useful. And the reason is that people are simply different. One will value one thing, another will value another thing.

Some care about money, others care about having deep relationships. Some like their apartment to be clean, others love a creative chaos. Some care about work life balance, others love being workaholics. Some wish to improve society, others simply don’t care and prefer to manage their own lives well instead. And so forth.

I wish I had a great concrete example now, but I don’t. But I know that from time to time I read something and think: “Hey wait, this isn’t universally true. Not by a longshot.”

But of course there’s also a lot of useful advice that applies to a lot of people. Like: “Don’t go into debt.” Or: “Listen carefully in coversations.” And that’s all fine.

My point is that we of course don’t have to agree with every life philosophy and life hack out there.